Wednesday, October 22, 2008

32 AD: The First Community of Monkeys that Throw Pooh Saved by A Glorious God

Circulating the currents of history.

By the secret and silent action of the divine will, from this primal luminous point radiated forth the vital life-giving spark which, pervading and operating in the great, enteric ocean of forms, became the soul of the universe, the fount and origin of all mundane life and motion and terrestrial existence, and in its nature and essence and secret operation remains ineffable, incomprehensible and indefinable.
Zohar Genesis

The creation of community is like throwing a stone into a still lake. The cross was at the center. The stone creates ripples out from the first contact. The ripples move further and further out. The stoning of Stephen was the event. The Hellenistic Jews were the waves, the ripples. The world outside of Jerusalem was the shore. Hellensitic Jews then were able to witness of the events that they saw. The world could now hear the events of the strange revolution happening in Jerusalem.

Prayer for 10.22.2008

YHVH your ways are not our ways, we can not see the ripples we create in witnessing in this world. But you do see it so clearly, we are thankful for your decision to be involved in this world. I get frustrated by your timing for it is not what I think is appropriate. At times I lack the faith you desire me to have, and think my hands are the way to building up. Jesus thanks for illustrating the grace we need to have with others. I ask that grace continues to grow in me so that when things do not go as planned I can deal with it. In your name we pray Amen.

Bruce F.F. New Testament History. Garden City, York: Anchor Books, 1972. (231-233)

Shelley, Bruece L. The Church History in Plain Language Waco Texas: Word Books, 1982 ( 29-31)
Mac Arthur, John Mac Arthur New Testament Commentary Acts 1-12 Chicago, Illinois: The Moody Bible Insitute of Chicago, 1994
(150-151) (312-313)
Peterson, Eugene The Message: The New Testament in Contemporary Language Colorado Springs, Colorado: Navpress, 1993. (288-289)
Van Loon, Hendrick WIllem The Story of Mankind: The Classic History of all ages, for all ages uupdated in a new version for the twenty frist century New York, N.Y.: W.W. Norton and Company LTD, 1967. (122-126)

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