Richard Pratt From the Book: Biblical authors were keenly interested in history for a very good reason. They not only believed that all of creation is the palatial temple of the divine Emperor. They also believed that history is a sacred drama within his cosmic temple. History played a vital role in the Hebrew Bible because the history of the universe is temple drama writ large.
The Agonizing Quandary of Forgiveness
Have you ever attended a teaching conference where God used an unscripted
Q&A segment to help you break through a long-standing barrier? My wife
heard R.C....
John Lennox: Conversations on the Examined Life
This excerpt is taken from Conversations on the Examined Life by Eric
Metaxas. Metaxas says, “Anyone who has ever attended […]
The post John Lennox: Conv...
Does the Book of Revelation Apply to Us Today?
How should we read the book of Revelation? Does the message of this book
only apply to some faraway time in the future? In this brief clip, W.
Robert God...
A Matter of Life and Death (Amy Mantravadi)
The issue of abortion is one of the most divisive in modern political
discourse. The option for a woman to end a pregnancy has been proclaimed by
some to b...
The Kingless Kingdom of the Social Gospel
A Kingdom Without the King
“A God without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without
judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a cr...
The Garth Brooks Dilemma.
I won’t ever win a humility contest. I don’t know if they have those,
giving someone an award for being humble, probably defeats the purpose of
Skin Bags
Skin bags. That’s what I kept thinking when I looked around at all the
people crammed into the subway car. My wife and I traveled some this
summer. At home...